Wednesday, February 25, 2009


These past few days have been crazy. This weekend didn’t find me catching a whole lot of sleep, and that translated into me not getting a lot of rest as I pulled into Monday. It was about then that I felt like I hit the wall. And then, in typical ‘me’ fashion, I began to try to pile-drive through that wall. Ever since my freshman year of high school, I have had the tendency to go into over-drive. I have had deadlines that HAD to be met, I have pushed and pushed, and the simple theme follows: Stress builds, I lose sleep, I start feeling under the weather, I keep pushing, and then I eventually collapse and am out of commission for several days until I can recuperate.

Well, when Monday came around, I was feeling, oh, what’s the word? Nostalgic. Stress was building. Same familiar wall (Also, ironic that a particular song is now playing on Pandora RIGHT when I’m talking about nostalgia… ha! I’ve always been somewhat mystified at the power of familiar music, even if it’s been YEARS since you’ve heard the tune… back to my ‘hit the wall’ story…). And I could see myself pushing through it. I can't afford to see myself get horribly sick this go round. I don't have the days to spend to get better (not to mention I hate being really, really sick... obviously). Leaving school (at roughly 5pm), I was debating whether or not to go to the gym. I decided against it, and went STRAIGHT to my bed… it felt GREAT!

Woke up hungry at around 7:30 (rather, 19:30 military time, which is what I keep my cell phone on), and realized I hadn’t eaten in roughly nine hours. And I wanted Krystal burgers. I’m wanting to improve my diet, since I know one reason I’ve had trouble with my weight is that my diet astonishes people on a regular basis (when half your posts on your blog are about food, you know you have a problem). But, I decided on Krystals. YUM. I’ll work on my diet when I’m not feeling like ‘ugh’ (this blog has been censored to better accommodate all ages… ‘ugh’ wasn’t the first word to come to mind).

Tuesday night was good. Went to a ‘book club’, which I prefer to call ‘small group’. The book we are going through in my ‘small group’ is Real Sex: The Naked Truth about Chastity by Lauren F. Winner (interesting title, eh? Wait til you see the title of chapter 3: Communal Sex). So far two chapters into it… it has an interesting perspective on the topic of Christian chastity, and it’s VERY interesting that this is a co-ed group of 20-somethings that I am meeting with. I thought it would make conversation very awkward, but I have already made friends with many of the people in the group, so I am able to open up to the group and get a lot out of it. It’s good to have a group of people I can open up to completely.

And now, I am going back to bed. Goodnight!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Burger Buddies Revamped!!!! YES!!!

A long, long time ago, when dinosaurs walked the Earth and I was a kid (it was the 80's), there was one item that I LOVED to get at Burger King... Burger Buddies! These were two small (very small) burgers that were joined together like Siamese Twins. They were wrapped together, and I would unwrap them and magically discover that what was once one burger was now magically TWO burgers... I was mystified, and I whenever my parents picked up food at BK, I would beg for Burger Buddies... If you don't believe me, check out this website... I'm not the only one who remembers these delicacies:

Then, for mysterious reasons unbeknownst to me or anyone else with any common sense, Burger King discontinued the product... until NOW! BK has just recently come out with Burger Shots, which are almost identical (pictured above), except the burgers are a little bigger... still works for me, since my mouth is a little bigger than it was back when I was 5 (and, believe me, I have a big mouth!).

I was ravishingly hungry last night (Sunday night), and I was heading to a tutoring lesson. I needed to stop by a place to grab some food... On a divine hunch, I went to Burger King. When I saw the advertisements for Burger Shots, my mouth began to water, and my memories took me back to a time of Burger Buddies, apple juice, and FOX 97.1 on the radio. And, for those curious, They were delicious!!!

Also, I realize this blog is lacking in a few things, like more pictures... I am hoping to soon get that fixed, but, for right now, this will have to do. Have a good night!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Update! (Kind of...)

This week is almost out, and I haven't updated in a while... unfortunately, I don't feel like typing up a post right now... besides telling the world that being on I-285 during that weather storm yesterday really, really stunk. Traffic plus wrecks (more traffic) plus horrid weather (almost no visibility AND even more traffic).

But, in the effort to make sure I have SOMETHING on here, I saw a note on Facebook that I thought I'd copy over... I'm not going to make a practice of posting those surveys and such that are ever so popular on MySpace and other such sites, but this one did catch my eye. And, what's more... it lets me post something.

So, here goes:

The Bucket List. Place an X by all the things you've done and remove the X from the ones you have not, then send it to your friends (including me).

Things you have done during your lifetime:

(X) Gone on a blind date
(X) Skipped school
() watched someone die
() Been to Canada
() Been to Mexico
(X) Been to Florida
()Been to Hawaii
(X) Been to China
(X) Been on a plane
() Been on a helicopter
(XXX) Been lost
(X) Gone to Washington, DC
(X) Swam in the ocean
(X) Learned how to ballroom dance
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
() Played cops and robbers
(X) Recently colored with crayons
(X) Sang Karaoke
(X) Paid for a meal with coins only
() Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
() Made prank phone calls
(X) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans [() Remember everything from that night?]
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose & elsewhere
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(X)Danced in the rain
() Danced in the rain-naked
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe
() Watched the sunrise with someone
(X) Blown bubbles
(X) Gone ice-skating
(X) Gone to the movies
(X) Been deep sea fishing
() Driven across the United States (only if GA to TX counts)
(X) Been in a hot air balloon
() Been sky diving
() Gone snowmobiling
() Lived in more than one country (Does Louisiana count? Almost...)
(X) Lay down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets
(X) Seen a falling star and made a wish
() Enjoyed the beauty of Old Faithful Geyser
(X) Seen the Statue of Liberty
() Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle
(X) Been on a cruise
(X) Traveled by train
(X) Traveled by motorcycle
(X) Been horse back riding (It's been a long time, but fun)
() Ridden on a San Francisco CABLE CAR !
(X) Been to Disneyworld
(X) Truly believe in the power of prayer
(X) Been in a rain forest (Loved it!)
(X) Seen whales in the ocean (saw a dorsal fin on that cruise trip... not very exciting)
() Been to Niagara Falls
(X) Ridden on an elephant
(X) Swam with dolphins
(X) Been to the Olympics
(X) Walked on the Great Wall of China
() Saw and heard a glacier calf
() Been spinnaker flying
(X) Been water-skiing
() Been snow-skiing
(X) Been to Westminster Abbey
(X) Been to the Louvre
() Swam in the Mediterranean
(X) Been to a Major League Baseball game
() Been to a National Football League game
(X) Played in the snow
() Climbed to the top of a pyramid

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Attack of the 80's

This past week has been quite interesting, to say the least. As usual, there were several nights where I thought I might get a decent amount of sleep, but that just didn't seem to happen. Thankfully, I got to sleep in today, which is a plus... and I needed it, considering Friday.

Friday at school was craziness... I had been feeling a little under the weather on Thursday, but by Friday I had what seemed like a full blown case of the common cold... constant sneezing, runny nose, etc. One of the perks of being a teacher, I guess... you occasionally fall prey one of the gazillion bugs going around, which means that you have successfully fought off a gazillion minus one bugs... so, in the midst of my defeat, I still feel somewhat justified.. Germ X is a wonderful, wonderful thing!

So I find myself working at my computer, while my 7th period is taking a test. I have resorted to shoving kleenex up my nose so that I can somewhat function... and the kids think it's hilarious... and, truthfully, although I feel horrid, I'm laughing at myself, too.

After school, I went to visit with Nunez, my roommate back at UGA, who came into Gwinnett to visit with family. We had a good time catching up with each other, while he joined in on my errands, such as picking up some generic, Rite-Ait brand DayQuil. I had an 80's party to go to that night, and I didn't want to bow out because I felt sick. Fortunately, after the medicine kicked in, I felt much better.

I decked out in white jeans, white tennis shoes, and a retro polyester shirt that I happened to have in my closet. Also wore a Members Only jacket I found deep in a coat closet at home. Nice!

We met at Sparkles, a local skating rink. Last time I was there I believe was in elementary school. I soon remembered why the last time I was there was so long ago... I was terrified of skating. You would think I would have remembered that BEFORE I committed to going to the party. But I'm special that way. In the new lingo we use in education, I'm 'exceptional'.

Not only did I get skates, I went 'balls out' and got roller blades. Put them on, tried standing up, and yikes. Everyone said, 'Don't worry! If you can ice skate, you can roller blade!' I can't ice skate, either... last time I remember doing that was when I slammed my head into the ice by falling flat on my back... Word to the wise: don't lock your knees!

Well, I managed to get in the rink, and at first I didn't fall at all.... Not that I looked graceful... I had perfected the 'Spastic White Boy'. That was my dance move, and I was all about it! I finally got to the point where I could somewhat push off with both feet, not just lean on my left leg and use my right leg for all movement. All the while, kids one half my size were flying around me... so what? A couple friends offered to help me, but at least one of them (sorry Brittany!) I ended up taking out when I lost my footing. HA!

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I'm enough of a stubborn arse that if I fall down, I keep getting back up and trying again. It did result in me getting better, but I'm laughing at the bruises I now have on my knees and wrists... my right wrist looks particularly banged up, but besides being a little sensitive, it feels fine.

Humorously, they played one of my favorite songs while I was out on the floor: 'Footloose'. Ever since last night, that song has taken on an ENTIRELY new meaning!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Frito Pie!

A story I wanted to share today... and now's about the only time I'm going to get... after all, laundry is in the dryer, the day is about done, and I'm not grading... all things point to this moment as being an excellent blogging opportunity.

(Before the story, I wanted to add a humorous anecdote. Went to the gym... was about to give up on the treadmill until a song came across on my iPod from way back when... DCTalk's 'Jesus Freak'.. back in high school that was the 'anthem'... you know, it's MUCH more difficult to headbang whilst running on a 3.5 grad inclined treadmill than I had imagined... needless to say, I had an extra burst of energy.

Also thought I must have looked graceful when I was stretching out today after the jog. I was stretching my quads and standing on one foot (the infamous 'Stork Stand'). Thankfully no one laughed as I was losing my balance and was hoping on one foot all over the gym... I may have looked like an idiot, but I was not about to let go of my other foot if I could help it!... That's my little story.. on the the main article)

I want to speak to you about something very close to my heart: my stomach.

Last Friday afternoon I was in a poor state... I was low on sleep, high on stress, and trying to get a ton of grading done. Unfortunately, I was unable to get much accomplished at all, since there were tons of 'little things' I had to do... fill out this form, deliver this paper to someone's mailbox. Answer this e-mail...etc., etc., etc.

All of the sudden, I felt horrid. My stomach turned... I was feeling like I was going to puke (for no reason). I put my work up, turned my computer off, and packed up, taking as much stuff with me to my car as I could. But I had to walk to the mail room first to drop off a couple forms. On my way there, I saw a blessed sight.

There, by the old gym, was a table decked out with foodstuffs. It was Senior Night for the Wrestling team! I walked by, saw the smörgåsbord, and held my breath. I saw chips, Airheads, Skittles, M&M's, even pre-made sandwiches in Ziploc bags! But then I saw a little crock pot... YES! They have Frito Pie! I was really hungry now!

Frito Pie is an entree served best at high school extracurricular functions. Not sure why, but it always tastes better when a team mom puts it together... probably b/c mothers know best. I ran to the mailroom, threw the forms in their cubbyholes, and hurried back. I shot a smile, asked for some Frito Pie, and while talking with some students I knew in the area, I put on my best 'I'm a poor, young teacher' face. Talked about how hard I was grading papers, and how exhausted I was... I saw the team mom open TWO bags of fritos. YES!

She knew how to best serve Frito Pie: Fritos below for a crust, then chili. Fritos on top of that, then more chili! And then came the crown jewel... nacho cheese! It is a well known fact that a good capping of nacho cheese is necessary to balance the chili. It also serves to hold in the heat (so vital on such a cold day!). But most importantly, it adds CHEESE! CHEESE! YES!

I was handed the Frito pie.. (a steal at whatever I paid for it...), I gave a smile, thanked everyone very much, and went on my way to the car. I would have skipped all the way to the car in my sheer joy, but if I did that, I would have risked dripping some of the cheese off the side of the bowl. I'm not sure how I made it to the car, actually... all I remember is eagerly diving into that delicious styrofoam bowl of Frito heaven, and that, when I looked up from my empty bowl, I was standing in front of my car.

God is good. All the time.